Thursday, February 10, 2011

SharePoint Custom Login Error (401) Page

When dealing with lots of people logging into your SharePoint site, you will spend a lot of time answering phone calls from people with login errors. A nice and easy way to preemptively help deal with login failures is to use a custom error page.

1) Go to your IIS and look up where the custom errors are located for the site.

2) Look at the path location for the location of the error files.

3) Go to the file location,, you will want to edit the 401.htm file.

4) The last step is to modify the web.config for your SharePoint site.  You will need to add (modify) the system.webserver.
Download code here

To add custom error pages in different languages, just add the pages to the appropriate local language folder.  You can find the local language folder information here...

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